Other Figurines
Figurine & Art of ancient and modern warriors

The following drawings and figurines of ancient and modern warriors are mainly based on archaeological evidences (fresco, reliefs, sculptures, weaponry etc.) or pictures.
Even the hypothetical representation are reasonably reconstructed considering various historical and archaeological elements and fonts coming from the relevant periods and places.
Greek Hoplite heavy armour (Magna Grecia about 500 BC) Metal figurine from Russian Soldier Art
Greek Hoplite heavy armour (Messenia about 400 BC) Metal figurine from Russian Soldier Art.
Greek Hoplite (Attica about 430 BC) Metal figurine from Seil Model
Alexander the Great (Phrygia about 333 BC) Metal figurine from Pegaso
Roman "Testudo" (About 90 AD) Metal figurines from Russian Soldier Art.
Roman "eques praetorianus" (Dacia 102 AD) Metal figurine from SOLDIERS
Roman Legionary (about 3rd century AD) Metal figurine from SOLDIERS
Sassanian Elephant (About 350 AD) Metal figurines from Russian Soldier Art.
Sigfried and Lindgast, Burgundians' kingdom 430 AD. Hypothetical reconstruction based on archaeological evidencies (research by Raffaele D'Amato drawing by Giorgio Albertini)
Sigfried and Lindgast, Burgundians' kingdom 430 AD metal figurine from SOLDIER (Archaeological research by Raffele D'Amato).
Uther Pendragon "Artorius' father" (about 470 AD) metal figurine from SOLDIER
Artorius "Dux Bellorum" (Badon Hill about 517 AD) metal figurine from Time Machine Miniature
Galahad (Arthurian knight about 530 AD) modified metal figurine
Gawain (Arthurian knight about 500 AD)
Gareth (Arthurian knight about 530 AD) metal figurine
Thristan (Arthurian knight about 530 AD)
Perceval (Arthurian knight about 530 AD) Modified metal figurine
Dagonet (Arthurian knight about 500 AD)
Anglo-Saxon warrior (East Anglia about 600 AD)
Lombard warlord (Italy about 600 AD)
Byzantines Emperor Heraclius (Byzantium about 620 AD) metal figurine Russian Soldier Art
King Richard Lionheart (Palestine about 1190 AD) metal figurine from Russian Soldier Art
Emperator Frederick I "the red beard" (Assisi central Italy 1177 AD) Oil painting artist Andrea Salimbeti based on Igor Dzis drawing.
Templar standard-bearer (Palestine 1190 AD) metal figurine
Templar Sergent (Palestine 1230 AD) metal figurine from Pegaso
Templar Knight (Palestine 1280 AD) metal figurine
Templar Sergent (Palestine 1230 AD) metal figurine
Templar Knights and Sergents (Palestine 1200 AD) Artist Andrea Salimbeti
Templar Knights and Sergents (Palestine 1200 AD) Artist Andrea Salimbeti
Hospitaller Knight (Krak of the Knights Syria 1250 AD) metal figurine
Hospitaller Knight (Krak of the Knights Syria 1250 AD) metal figurine
Hospitaller standard-bearer (Palestine 1230 AD) metal figurine from Pegaso
Hospitalier knight (Rhodes 1306 AD) metal figurine
Hospitaller Knight (Cyprus 1300 AD) metal figurine
Teutonic knight (Prussia 1300 AD) metal figurine
Order of Saint Lazarus Knight (Palestine 1190 AD) metal figurine
Order of Holy Sepulchre knight (Jerusalem 1180 AD) metal figurine
Teutonic Knights (Battle of Peipus Lake 1242 AD) Artist Italo Feregotto
Teutonic Knights (Battle of Peipus Lake 1242 AD) Artist Italo Feregotto
Teutonic Knight (Battle of Peipus Lake 1242 AD) metal figurine from Pegaso
Teutonic Grand Master (Acre 1291 AD) metal figurine
Senese Knight of Salimbeni family (Montoperti 1260 AD)
King of Hungary Sigizumund I of Luxemborg (Battle of Nicopolis 1396 AD) metal figurine from Grenada Studio
Mounted Knight (France 1400 AD) Metal figurine from ANDREA MINIATURE
Vald Tepes Dracula (Valacchia 1462 AD)
Ninja warrior (Japan about 1500 AD) metal figurine from Russian Soldier Art
Mounted Samuray Archer (Japan about 1500 AD) metal figurine from Seil Model
Pope Paul III' s troops (Assisi central Italy 1538 AD) Oil painting artist Andrea Salimbeti .
Musketeer (France 1600) figurine from M MODEL
American Revulotionary Private 1st New York (New Jersey 1775)
Napoleonic General of the Dragoons (Austerliz 1805) Resin figurine from VERLINDEN
Captain of the Hussars (Europe 1812) Metal figurine from SOLDIER
Napoleon's Retreat Moscow (Russia 1812)
French Foreign Legion (Battle of Camerone Mexico 1863) Metal figurines from Pegaso.
German WWI trench raider "Operation Michael"(Europe 1918) Resin figurine from VERLINDEN
Soviet WWII Scout and sniper (Stalingrad 1942) Resin figurine from VERLINDEN
German WWII 1st Parachute Division "Green Devils"(Monte Cassino 1944) Metal figurine from ANDREA MINIATURE
US ARMY WWII 101st Airborne Division (France 1944) Resin figurine from VERLINDEN
US Army 5th S.F.G. "Green Berets" Detachment B50 Project OMEGA (Vietnam 1967) resin figurine
US Navy SEAL Team one (Vietnam 1968) Metal figurine from Alpha Images
US ARMY LRRP (Vietnam 1970) VERLINDEN resin figurine
British SAS team Pagoda, Operation Nimrod (Iranian Embassy London 1980) VERLINDEN resin figurine
US Navy SEAL Team Eight, Operation Desert Storm (Iraq 1991) VERLINDEN resin figurine
US Army 19th Special Force "Green Berets" (Afganistan 2004) VERLINDEN resin figurine
Italian Army Special Force "9° Reggimento d'assalto Col Moschin" Task force Nibbio (Afganistan 2004) Dragon resin figurine